Monday, July 13, 2009


Welcome to Republican Punk! Hopefully, I can provide information and opinions that you find useful or that spark debate. That is my primary goal with this site: to get people talking about issues that they wouldn't otherwise care about, music that they might otherwise never hear about or take for granted, etc. It's also a place for me to vent, so just getting that out there.

Just for the sake of full disclosure, here are my biases in a nutshell:

Politics - I am a registered Republican. My views are a little all over the place, so a short summary would be that I am a Moderate Conservative Libertarian: very economically conservative, but with more emphasis on low spending than low taxes, socially moderate, and VERY pro-America and pro-Military (but not adventurism.) Policy should be based upon empirical evidence and when torn between more government or less, we should always go with less, because Government and Bureaucracy inherently grow themselves. Also, the less centralized government is, the better, both in terms of liberty, fairness, and efficiency. Look at government as a pyramid. The base is the people, and that should be the largest chunk. Directly above and smaller is local government. Power should continue getting smaller and smaller as you move through county, state, national, and (god forbid) international power structures.

Music - I pride myself in being privy to all different genres of music. I will admit a bias towards punk and punk derivatives, and I am sometimes left out of the mainstream pop sector.

Sports - Boston Red Sox, Miami Dolphins, Boston Celtics

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