Tuesday, July 21, 2009

60+% of the Country Oppose Stimulus; 60+% Support Stimulus

A new ABC/Washington Post poll shows that polling depends entirely on how you ask the question:

"Would you support or oppose additional federal spending above the 787 billion dollars already set aside to try to stimulate the economy? ... Do you feel that way strongly or somewhat?"

StronglySupport SomewhatSupport SomewhatOppose StronglyOppose Unsure
18 17 18 43 3

"Would you support or oppose new federal spending of about 800 billion dollars on tax cuts, construction projects, energy, education, and health care to try to stimulate the economy? ... Do you feel that way strongly or somewhat?"

StronglySupport SomewhatSupport SomewhatOppose StronglyOppose Unsure
43 27 9 17 3

This means, despite impressive numbers showing people strongly oppose a general second stimulus and do not want to add to the deficit (see previous polls), Republican hopes that they could regain power simply on the deficit alone were misplaced. Any opposition to stimulus needs to be three-tiered:
  1. The massive deficit (obviously)
  2. The fact that the previous stimulus did not work and any new one would be ineffective as well
  3. The particulars of the package must be exposed as not worth it...more so than the last package where Republicans focused on things like birth control, which, while it shouldn't have been in there, was only a small piece.

Source: Polling Report

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