Monday, September 7, 2009

Here's What Keith Olbermann Thinks Is A Productive Use Of Time

Olbermann: Tuesday we will expand this to the television audience and have a dedicated email address to accept leads, tips, contacts, on Beck, his radio producer [Stu] Burguiere, and the chief of his tv enablers, [Roger] Ailes (even though Ailes' power was desperately undercut when he failed to pull off his phony "truce" push).

Olbermann said this action will help "save this nation from the Oligarhy of The Stupid." Since going up yesterday, Olbermann's diary entry had over 1,400 responses by this morning.

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An "Amen" Moment With T-Paw Concerning U.S. War Policy

...I recently returned from my fourth trip to Iraq and my second trip to Afghanistan.... the rule needs to be 'When the United States goes to war, the United States wins'.


Unions Approval/Disapproval Worst In History of Gallup Poll

48 Approve/45 Disapprove

Also, for first time majority of the public understands that unions hurt economy as a whole.

What Bi-partisanship Really Means

If, as Democrats expect, Grassley and Enzi balk at agreeing to a bill, Baucus plans to try to continue pursuing a bipartisan agreement with Sen. Olympia Snowe (Maine) – Democratic sources said.

Just one liberal Republican a bill makes.


New Study Reinforces Theory That New Deal Extended Depression and that Obama Risks Worse Fate

The authors say: "[Franklin D Roosevelt's] interventionist policies and draconian tax increases delayed full economic recovery by several years by exacerbating a climate of pessimistic expectations that drove down private capital formation and household consumption to unprecedented lows."

Although the authors support the Federal Reserve's moves to slash interest rates to just above zero and embark on quantitative easing, pumping cash directly into the system, they warn that greater intervention could set the US back further. Rowley says: "It is also not impossible that the US will experience the kind of economic collapse from first to Third World status experienced by Argentina under the national-socialist governance of Juan Peron."

The study is written by economists Charles Rowley of George Mason and Nathaneal Smith of the Locke Institute. It has been endorsed by nobel laureate James Buchanan. (No, not that one.)

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Ahmadinejad Refuses to Negotiate, Wants To Talk

At his first formal press conference since his June 12 re- election, Ahmadinejad said today he didn’t recognize deadlines for talks on Iran’s nuclear plans. “Iran’s nuclear issue is over,” he said. “We will never negotiate Iran’s undeniable rights.”

At the same time, the Iranian president said, “we are ready to discuss world issues with the U.S. president in the presence of mass media. The time of hidden agreements is over, and television debates are the best way.”

Looks like the great negotiation skills of President Obama are working wonders...


Oliver Stone Walks Red Carpet With Hugo Chavez, Calls Him A "Democrat"

Stone is best known for his dramas, but he also has made four documentaries, including "Comandante," the 2003 documentary based on a meeting with Cuban leader Fidel Castro, which the director says in many ways led him to Chavez.

"I used the real man," Stone said. "I hope you realize how dynamic he is in the movie. What I like about the film is you see how sincere he is on camera. You don't see a guy who is a phony. He's not a dictator."

Stone had said he spent "several hours here and there" with Chavez. The movie shows him at Chavez's enormous desk and visiting the president's childhood home, where he rides into the frame on a child's bicycle, which breaks under his weight. He immediately offers to pay for it. Footage also shows Chavez driving his own vehicle and stopping to greet supporters.

Stone said he didn't see it necessary to present the opposition's case in his film.

"A dark side? There's a dark side to everything. Why do you seek out the dark side when the guy is doing good things?" Stone asked. "He is a democrat and there is opposition to him, and he's not perfect. But he is doing tremendous things for Venezuela and the region."


Nice to see the old Hollywood Socialist consensus making a comeback...


Paramore - Use Somebody (Kings of Leon Cover)

Very solid.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

The A**holes Comment

Media Refuses to Report On Van Jones Situation

Total words about the Van Jones controversy in the New York Times: 0.
Total words about the Van Jones controversy in the Washington Post: 0.
Total words about the Van Jones controversy on NBC Nightly News: 0.
Total words about the Van Jones controversy on ABC World News: 0.
Total words about the Van Jones controversy on CBS Evening News: 0.

His affiliation with a 1990s group called Standing Together to Organize a Revolutionary Movement has opened him to accusations that he associated with Communists. And in 2004 he allowed his name to be put on a letter requesting an investigation into whether the Bush administration allowed 9/11 to happen as a “pre-text to war.” Jones said Thursday he never believed in this so-called “Truther” movement, issued an apology for his past remarks, and said in a statement that his involvement with 9/11 conspiracy theories "does not reflect my views now or ever."

He also called Republicans a**holes, in case you're wondering...

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Robert Gates Sums Up The AP's "Appaling" Photo Choice

Gates wrote to Thomas Curley, AP’s president and chief executive officer. “Out of respect for his family’s wishes, I ask you in the strongest of terms to reconsider your decision. I do not make this request lightly. In one of my first public statements as Secretary of Defense, I stated that the media should not be treated as the enemy, and made it a point to thank journalists for revealing problems that need to be fixed – as was the case with Walter Reed." “I cannot imagine the pain and suffering Lance Corporal Bernard’s death has caused his family. Why your organization would purposefully defy the family’s wishes knowing full well that it will lead to yet more anguish is beyond me. Your lack of compassion and common sense in choosing to put this image of their maimed and stricken child on the front page of multiple American newspapers is appalling. The issue here is not law, policy or constitutional right – but judgment and common decency.”

This blog will not print the photo.

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Friday, September 4, 2009

Les Otten Sums It Up

AI: How do you view the legacy of the Baldacci Administration?

What legacy?

Read the gubernatorial candidate's entire interview with the Augusta Insider here